Nyanza Region

The Nyanza Region
The region derives its name from a bantu word Nyanza which means a large mass of water. It covers the southern part of the Lake basin region on the southwestern part of Kenya. It includes part of the eastern edge of Lake Victoria, the largest fresh water lake in Africa and second largest in the world. It is entirely what was formerly refered to us Nyanza province of Kenya and currently covers 6 counties; Siaya, Kisumu, Nyamira, Kisii, Homabay and Migori. The region is served from the Lake Victoria environmental education centre situated in Kisumu City. Just like other regions in Kenya, the Nyanza region also boasts of hosting several destinations that offer unique experiences to nature lovers. Here are some areas to explore as you learn about nature in the region.

Ruma National Park
Also refered to as the dramatic valley of the roan antelope, is the last remaining sanctuary for endangered roan antelope. It covers a total of 120km2 and lies on the floor of the flat floor of the seasonally watered Lambwe river valley. It is bordered by the Kanyamwa escarpment to the south east, Lambwe forest to the east, volcanic plugs of the Ruri Hills to the north and Lake Victoria shores are just 10km away on its western side. It is 22km away from Homabay town. The park is interlaced by mosaic relief which ranges from riverine woodland to a dramatically rolling savanna and to some magnificent escarpments with towering cliffs. The resource is promising an undiscovered wildlife treasures with serenity and ambience. WCK is tirelessly campaigning to save endangered wildlife species found in Ruma National Park.

The museum located in Kisumu city. Its establishment was in 1980 purposely to collect, preserve and exhibit the cultural and natural heritage of the region. It is divided into four main sections:  the ethnography gallery, the biodiversity gallery, the cultural history gallery and the temporary exhibition gallery. These sections display various cultural and natural artifacts and artworks, historical items and natural history exhibits that showcase the wildlife and aquatic life of the Lake Victoria region. It also offers educational programmes for the schools and groups, which include guided tours, lectures and workshops.  The museum also has a library, which is open to the public.
Kisumu museum is a great place to learn about the culture, history and appreciate the beauty of the natural environment in the area.

It is a small game reserve located within Kisumu City.  The sanctuary was established in 1992 and covers an area of approximately 3.2 square kilometers.  It is a home to over 500   impalas, as well as other wildlife such as baboons, monkeys and several bird species. The sanctuary is a popular destination for nature lovers and birdwatchers, with several nature trails winding through forested areas.  There is also a picnic area where visitors can relax and enjoy the serene environment.  The sanctuary is well maintained and visitors can enjoy a walking safari throughout the sanctuary.
It has a conservation programmes dedicated to the protection of rare and endangered species. In addition, the sanctuary is a home to an animal orphanage where orphaned and injured animals are cared for and rehabilitated before being released back into the wild. Impala sanctuary provides a great opportunity to explore the beauty and diversity of Kenya’s wildlife, and offers visitors a chance to connect with nature in a peaceful, serene environment. There are a diverse number of flora and fauna both free ranging and captive. Over 115 species of birds have been recorded. Presently, the sanctuary boasts of all the big five game except for the elephant. A number of trail circuit are also available for the clients. The sanctuary hosts impalas, the rare Sitatunga antelope as well as big cats, buffalos, giraffes, cheetahs and several primate species. The sanctuary is also a home to five campsites all with spectacular views of Lake Victoria. Bird watching, nature walks and glass bottomed boat rides compliment the activities availed at the sanctuary.

Dunga beach is a small, picturesque beach located on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kisumu, Kenya. The beach is known for its serene atmosphere, beautiful views and variety of activities such as boat rides, fishing and bird watching. The popular activities at Dunga Beach is taking a boat ride on Lake Victoria. Visitors can hire local fisherman to take them out on a traditional wooden boat called canoe. The boat ride is an excellent opportunity to explore the lake’s ecosystem, watch different species of birds and spot some of the local wildlife such as hippos and crocodile. Fishing is also a popular activity at the beach. Visitors can try their hand at fishing using local techniques such as bow and arrow fishing. Local fishermen are available to lend their expertise and provide visitors with an authentic experience. Visitors can also check out the Dunga Hill campsite, located on a hill overlooking the lake. The campsite offers stunning views of the lake and the surrounding scenery and is a perfect for camping enthusiasts. In recent years, Dunga Beach has become a popular sport for artists and photographers looking for inspiration. The beach is also home to several art galleries where local and international artist showcase their work. Dunga Beach is a great place to visit for a day trip or as a part of a longer stay in Kisumu. Its tranquil setting and range of activities make it popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

It is a small park located on Ndere Island in Lake Victoria, covering an area of 4.2 square kilometers. It was established in 1986 and serves as breeding ground for various bird species, as well as a breeding ground for various bird species, as well as sanctuary for Sitatunga antelopes, monkeys and other wildlife. The vegetation on island is mainly woodland, including acacia trees, and it also wetland areas. Visitors can explore the park on foot, or by boat, canoe and kayak. The park has various nature trails to explore including a nature interpretive trail. The park is home to a range of wildlife, including zebras, impalas, baboons and several species of birds, including fish eagles, king fishers and egrets. The park is also a home to a large number of Nile crocodiles. Visitors to the park can engage in a range of activities, including bird watching, nature walks and camping. There are also picnic sites, a visitor center and a scenic view point overlooking the lake. It is popular destination for boating and fishing, and visitors can hire boats to explore the lake. The park is an important conservation area that protects the biodiversity of the island and its surrounding waters.

It is also an important cultural site, as island is considered a sacred site by the Luo people, who lived in the area for generations. The park works closely with local communities to promote conservation and sustainable tourism practices.

Kit-Mikayi is a revered rock formation located in Seme of Kisumu county. It a natural geological wonder that comprises of several large rocks towering up to forty meters in height. The name Kit-Mikayi is derived from the Luo language, meaning the first wife. Tourist visiting Kit- Mikayi get an opportunity to learn about the cultural significance of the site and interact with local community. The site offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, with a variety of vegetation and wildlife to discover. Several activities can be enjoyed at Kit-Mikayi, including hiking, bird watching and rock climbing. There are also several cultural events held at the site, including traditional dances and storytelling sessions. The site offers great opportunity to connect with nature and learn about the rich cultural heritage of the Luo community.


The lake is a shallow crater lake located in Karachuonyo of Homabay county, approximately 20 kilometers from Homabay town and covers area of approximately 3km2. The lake is surrounded by a swampy area and is a home to various animals and plant species. The name Simbi Nyaima means a village that sank in local Luo language. Legend has it that the lake was once a village inhabited by people who refused to offer hospitality to a mysterious woman who sought refuge in their village. As result of their inhospitality, the village sank and the lake was formed in its place.
One of the main reasons tourist visit the lake is to witness the thousands of flamingos that flock to its shores during the peak season, between April and June. The lake is a home to variety of bird species, including herons, pelicans and stocks, making a bird watching paradise. Simbi Nyaima is a unique tourism site that combines natural beauty, cultural heritage and eclectic history. With its abundant birdlife refuge and its rich cultural and ecological diversity, it is perfect place to visit for those who embrace ecotourism.

It is the largest fresh water lake in Africa, boasting a surface area of approximately 68,800km2. The lake stretches across three countries; Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. It presents a wide range of tourist attractions for visitors of all ages and interest. Island hoping, fishing, cultural visits, water sports, wildlife and bird watching are some reasons to visit Lake Victoria as a tourism site. The lake offers a diverse range of experiences that make it an ideal destination for tourists.


It is located in Homabay county. Though not widely recognized as tourism destination due to its seasonal nature and small size, there are still some activities and attractions that can be enjoyed by the visitors in the area. One of the main activities at the lake is fishing. The lake is a home to several species of fish, making it a great spot for recreational fishing. Visitors can hire local fishermen to take them out on traditional boats and fish for their dinner. Birdwatching is another popular activity in the area, as the lake is a home to many species of water birds. Visitors can take guided tours with local naturalists to observe and learn about the various bird species in the area. The lake is surrounded by beautiful landscape and scenic views, making it a great spot for nature walks and hikes. Visitors can explore nearby forests and learn about various birds’ species in the area. There are opportunities to learn about the local culture and traditions of the communities living around the lake. It offers a unique and authentic experiences for those interested in nature, culture and outdoor activities.

It is a significant archaeological site located in Nyatike of Migori County. The site is renowned for its ancient dry stone walls, which is believed to have been built by the Luo people between 16th and 17th centuries. The ancient stone structure of Thimlich Ohinga are considered one of the most significant surviving examples of the pre- colonial architecture in East Africa. They comprise of a complex of interlinked enclosures, passages and towers which served as a fortress for the community that lived inside the walls. Over the years, Thimlich Ohinga attracts both local and international visitors. The site offers unique opportunity to explore the history and culture of the Luo people and the remarkable engineering techniques utilized in constructing the walls. Visitors can also view ancient artefacts and relics unearthed from site, including pottery, beads, and iron tools, which offer valuable insights into the daily lives and economic activities of the ancient community.  It boasts of a stunning nature scenery, including lush green vegetation and a tranquil environment ideal for nature walks and bird watching. The site management has implemented various eco-tourism initiatives aimed at conserving the site and its surroundings while providing sustainable tourism experiences to visitors. The entry fees for Kenyans citizens are Kenyan Shillings 100 for adults and 50 for children. Residents in East-Africa is 400 adults and 200 Kenyan Shillings for children. None residents pay Kenyan Shillings 500 adults and Kenyan Shilling 250 children.


It is a popular destination forming one of the most unique attractions in the region, as it marks the line of the equator, the imaginary line that divides the earth into northern and southern hemisphere. Tourists from all over the world visit the equator sign to take photos and stand on both north and south side of the equator line. The equator sign is situated in a beautiful location surrounded by scenic views of the surrounding hills and Lake Victoria. Apart from taking photos, tourists can also enjoy a variety of activities including visiting the nearby maasai markets, learning about the local culture, and exploring the nearby wildlife reserves such as Lake Nakuru National park. It is a home to several tourist facilities such as restaurants, café and souvenirs shops. The facilities offer visitors a chance to relax, enjoy local cuisine and purchase souvenirs to take home.

It is a tourism destination located on the shores of Lake Victoria. It is widely regarded due to its unique and diverse ecosystems which feature a vast range of flora and fauna species. The rich biodiversity of Hippo Point is home to a number of rare and endangered species such as the Rothschild`s giraffe, the black rhino and the white tailed mongoose. Visitors to Hippo Point are able to experience and interact with these species in their natural habitats, via game drives and walking safaris. It is known for its stunning scenery and natural attractions such as the bird-rich wetlands, the scenic viewpoint and the various waterfalls located in the surrounding areas. The destination offers a range of thrilling outdoor activities including boating, fishing, horse riding, water sports and guided nature walks that provides visitors with a deeper understanding of the ecosystem and local cultures. It also has a range of exquisite and luxury accommodation option including tented camps and lodges that offer visitors a unique and unforgettable stay.

It is a popular tourism destination located at the base of kanyamwa Escarpment in Homabay county and offers a perfect view of the stunning waterfall from the top. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely hike up the escarpment to take in specific view of the surrounding landscape, which includes rolling hills, verdant forests and rivers. Visitors can enjoy activities like hiking, bird watching, swimming and photography. For more immersive experience, visitors can also take part in cultural tours by visiting the neighboring village which is a home to the Abasuba people, one of the communities living in the region.

Other sites of interest to nature lovers in the region include Bala Kodula Hot springs, Gogo Falls, Tabaka Soapstone, beaches such as Lwanda Kotieno, islands such as Rusinga & Mfangano, Manga hills of Kisii among others
Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 1968 by Kenyan students. It was the first conservation education programme of its kind on the continent of Africa.

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