Teachers Training Workshops / Training of Trainers (ToTs)

Teachers workshops are meant to capacity build teachers and empower them with conservation knowledge for multiplier effect in schools and enable them to communicate conservation knowledge and facts to the learners and community. WCK conducts countrywide teachers’ training workshops with the aim of changing mind-sets and attitudes, as well as to enable Wildlife Clubs Patrons to initiate sustainable and revenue generating projects in their schools.

Conservation Education Programmes

Wildlife Clubs of Kenya conducts conservation oriented programmes and activities that are youth oriented. Our entry point being the schools and all other learning institutions. The main aim of these programmes is to inform, sensitize and educate learners and their teachers on their role in conserving Kenya’s natural capital. These programmes are also meant to change their attitudes and mind-sets towards conservation. They include;

  1. Outreach conservation education/ Mobile education unit
  2. National Art and Essay Competition
  3. Conservation education resource materials development
  4. Habitat Restoration through Tree Growing
  5. Conservation Campaigns and Rallies
  6. Hands on School Conservation Activities’
  7. Teachers and Student Leaders Training Workshops
  8. Ecology Programmes and Outdoor Learning
  9. Saving Endangered Wildlife
  10. Campaigns against Poaching and Bush Meat
Teachers Workshop in progress
Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (WCK) is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 1968 by Kenyan students. It was the first conservation education programme of its kind on the continent of Africa.

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